Informal & Formal Language: Abi P

L.O:- I can change informal language into formal language.


Hey, me did nothin wrong! Me went down to the boozer to chill out man. Me drank too much, you know. I started to feel Tom and Dick real bad man, so me went back to pit. I had so many pints I was so drunk and that caused me to rob the bank. I ain’t take anything. Me robbed, dropped, left.


Your Honour, I really did nothing wrong. I took a trip down to the pub. I’m sorry your honour, but I got a bit carried away, which caused me to rob the bank. I didn’t take anything, I swear. Who could have been more poor than me? I expect I was wasting money on beer! You know me. I’m sorry your honour.

Olympic Fortnight – Poetry

Olympic Fortnight started yesterday with an opening ceremony in which a torch was brought into the hall. Elyse was the torch-bearer for Class AS. Today the children have worked on creating their own Olympic poems. The children were given complete freedom to use the style of their choice so kennings, limericks, haikus, acrostics and rhyming poems were all produced. There will be more poems added tomorrow, but here is today’s selection.


Beth Tweddle by Lily 

The Olympics is not far away

And Beth Tweddle is training hard all day

Going for the Olympic gold

Training thirty-six hours a week, very bold!


Training to be so amazingly fit

After her injury, she`s praying a bit!

Been doing gymnastics since she was six

Crowds of supporters watching, taking some pics!


Beth Tweddle`s courage gives her a shot

To her fans and supporters, she’s got the lot!

Far into the night she trains, it is said

While everyone else is asleep in their bed!


Olympic Games by Katie and Abi

Out in the open

Leaping past my competitors

You know I will win!

My feet are running like the speed of light

Power is all I can think of

I hear the cheers of the crowd, shouting my name

Can I really win?


Got to win the gold

All I can see is the high pole

My feet are ready to bounce off the ground

Each second is ticking by

Staring eyes focusing on me, the crowd hushes. This is my moment to shine.

The Olympic Torch by James

Powerful, deadly

It can burn you in seconds

So you’d better run

It is as gold as golden dust

Passing on to other people

You fly around the world

Nadia  Comanci by Emily


Nadia wondered across the stadium

As confident as can be

Darting over to the uneven bar

In a second, jumped on and flipped

After that, she jumped off


Careful as can be

On the other hand,

Major screams and cheers

And also she got Gold!

Not Silver, Bronze, but Gold!

Everyone shouted when it was announced.

Can also very easily

Identify a real Champion like her.

The Olympic Torch by Georgina

The Torch that is lit by the sun,

Brings lots of laughter and fun,

It travels far and wide,

For 70 days, alight.

The Torch is lit by an Olympic hero,

Who has shown off his skills,

Never scores zero!

The Torch was designed by Edward and Jay,

Who make Olympics fun this year!

The Olympic Torch shines and brings good luck,

To all the Olympians taking part.


Usain Bolt by Joshua and Harry       


Usain is insane

See’s everything as a race track

Away he goes like lightning

Is always determined to win

Night time comes, but not for him

Bolt’s out training, forgets his drink

On the way to victory once again

Lights up the crowd as he finishes the race

Takes the gold medal and sprints back home


The Olympic Torch by Susie


You travel so far

In everything to aeroplanes to cars

With a sparkle so bright

For you are the famous light


You shine yellow, orange and red

So people travel from their beds

To see just a gleam

Of your heavenly beam


So special you seen

A little fire sending beams

Sending peoples joy a light

Shining in people’s memories bright


Waking people from their slumber

Making people stare in wonder

All the way through the night

Reaching dreams of amazing heights


Many miles to be run

Heated by the powerful sun

Many people tired and hot

Holding the torch in their slot

Usain Bolt by Alex M

There is still a man called Usain

Who came to Britain on a plane

He’s faster than a bullet

He runs like a rocket

So his speed could blow out a flame.


The 100 metres by Oliver



Bang goes the gun

As I start my final race

They’re starting to catch me

I’ve got to beat the pace


I’ve got to go even quicker

Or I’ll just get caught

And I won’t let that happen

After all I’ve fought


Now we’re all sprinting

I’m further in the lead

Nothing will ever stop me

I’m going to succeed


As I cross the finish line

It takes a whole lap to stop

We stand up on the podium

I’m at the very top!


Qualifying by Elyse

Step forward on my mark

Shouts of support pump my heart

Blurry track straight ahead

Can’t concentrate, clear my head

Muscles twitch want to go

Want to run, but head says “No”

Need to win, I really do

If I don’t, I wont go through

Glance to my right, opponents stand

Poised like rubber bands

Sun is hot, sky is blue

Sweat trickles down, and dampens my shoe

BANG! The gun fires we leap off our marks

The crowd screams and shouts, happy as Larks

I skim ahead, wind in my hair

I don’t know what’s happening, who what and where

As I surge forward I feel I can fly

I feel so light, I feel so high

Is it a dream? I am not sure

But I`ve finished first place, don’t need to run any more

Jog to my team mates “AMAZING !” they cry

But the finals already begin to loom in my mind




All good things come to those who wait – Letters from Kafuro

On Thursday we were visited by Johan & Peter Welsh, who gave a presentation to the Lower School before giving a talk to the whole school at assembly time. They had brought back with them a short film about Kafuro which the children will watch one day during assembly time. They also brought back replies to letters that the children had written two years ago when they were in Class BG. There was a great deal of excitement when the letters were handed out and the children look forward to sending replies when Mr Stanley goes out to Kafuro at the end of July. PDFs of the letters are attached below.

Letter to Korban

letter to Abi E

Letter to Jake

Letter to Susie

Letter to Will R

Letter to Abi P

Letter to Harry

Letter to Charlotte

Letter to Susie 2

Letter to John

Letter to Will W

Letter to Jake 2


Wenlock & Mandeville join Class AS

This week in Class AS we have been joined by Olympic mascots Wenlock and Mandeville. They will be joining pupils from the class as they take part in sports, fitness and health related activities. Tonight they were with Abi P taking part in some tap dancing. Not only did they join in with the girls, but they also tried on some shoes.


Please Mrs Butler

Today in Literacy we have been looking carefully at the famous Allan Allberg poem, Please Mrs Butler. we looked carefully at the rhyming structure, the four line stanzas and the fact that each line had a similar number of syllables, so that the poem maintained a fast rhythm.

We set ourselves the task of writing our own version. Enjoy reading them below:

Abi P

Please Mrs Butler


Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps distracting me Miss

What shall I do?


Go and sit by the wall dear

Go and sit by the door

Go and sit by the window pane

But don’t ask me anymore!


Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps pinching and talking to me

What shall I do?


Put some more layers on

Teach him to speak Latin

But whatever you do dear

You really don’t stop chatting!


Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps poking me Miss

What shall I do?


Go and hide in the cupboard dear

Poke him back if you wish too

Work under the table, dear

What do you want me to do?



Please Mrs Butler,

This boy Derek Drew,

Keeps on kicking me,

What shall I do?


Sit on the table, dear,

Cycle to France,

Go kick him back, my love,

It’s your only chance!



Please Mrs Butler,

This boy Derek Drew,

Keeps on poking me,

What shall I do?


Go and sit in the basement dear,

Copy him and be a pest,

Try to poke him back my flower,

Do whatever is best.


Please Mrs Butler,

This Boy Derek Drew,

Wont be a brat Miss,

What shall I do?


This is enough now,

You’re just like an elf,

You’re so annoying,

You’re a brat yourself!

Will R

Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps on kicking me

What shall I do?


Go into the toilet

Bring out a nuke

Blow his head off

Now that’s a big fluke.


Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Ripped my book up

What should I do?


Run away to India

Hide in the loo

Do what ever you want, my lamb

Do what you ever you want to do.


Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps ripping my homework up

What shall I do?


Punch him in the face

Kick him up the bum

Point at him if you like, my love

That’s what I’ve done.


Please Mrs Butler

Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps taking screws out my chair, Miss

What shall I do?


Go and hide in the toilet dear

Go and sit by the door

Go and sit by the window sill

But don’t ask me anymore!


Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps sneezing on my work, Miss

What shall I do?


Go and sit by me, dear

Tell him he`s got the flu

Go and sit on the floor

I don’t care what you do!




Please Mrs Butler

Please Mrs Butler

This Boy Derek Drew

Keeps scribbling on my work miss

Whatever shall I do?


Cut it all off dear

Put it in a bun

Hide it in a cap, my lamb

Or go and tell your Mum


Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps kicking at my chair, Miss

What ever shall I do?


Take away your chair dear

Go, sit on the floor

Try to kick him back, my love

Just don’t whine any more


Please Mrs Butler

This Boy Derek Drew

Keeps scribbling on my work miss

What ever shall I do?


Look him in the eye dear

Tell him what is right

Scribble on his work, my flower

Even if it takes all night!



Please Mrs Butler

Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps tugging at my hair, Miss

What shall I do?


Chop it all off my darling

Put it in a bun

Hide it in a hat, dear

Or go and tell your mum


Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps poking at my eye, Miss

What shall I do?


Put an eye patch over it, dear

Poke it out with your finger

Hide it with your hand

But make sure you don’t linger


Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps looking at me funny, Miss

What shall I do?


Hide your eyes with a bandanna, dear

Go and hide behind a door

Stare at him back like he does

Just don’t break the law


Abi E

Please Mrs Butler


Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps prodding me under the table, Miss

What should I do?


Go hide in the street, dear

Go stand in the loo

Write to the Governor

Do whatever you must do




Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps on talking to me, Miss

What shall I do?


Go and seat at the back, dear

Close your ears

Cut them out if you like

But make sure you can’t hear


Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps on shouting at me, Miss

What shall I do?


Go to the toilet, dear

Where it is quiet

Don’t make a noise

Make sure you don’t cause a riot


Please Mrs Butler

This boy Derek Drew

Keeps  throwing things at me, Miss

What shall I do?


Go outside the playground, dear

Where he can’t throw you a can

Put an armour if you like

Do whatever you can




Today we have been reading limericks in Literacy. We studied the features of a range of limericks. This includes 8 syllables in the first line, lines 1, 2 & 5 rhyming and also lines 3 & 4 rhyming. When we had finished reading some examples, we composed two limericks as a class before creating our own individual limericks.


Class Limericks


There was a Scotsman named Andy

Who adored eating pink candy.

When his teeth began to rot,

He ate a bowl of snot

And washed it down with strong brandy


There once was a man on the moon

Who loved to watch cartoons.

His eyes turned square

And he lost his hair,

And now people think he’s a loon.


Red Group

There was a man with a spoon

Who ate a piece of the moon

Not satisfied with that

He ate his hat

And blew up like a balloon


A farmer, Bill, was an egg man

His wife cracked him open in a bed pan

She scrambled his brains

And sautéed his veins

And used them to build a wigwam

Abi P

Mad Anne

There was a mad women called Anne,

Who drived a bright golden van,

She crashed it twice,

Both weren’t that nice,

And that’s why she’s called Mad Anne.


Baby baboon

There once was a baby baboon

Who wanted to visit the moon

Instead he went to Mars

Ate lots of chocolate bars

Now people say he`s back too soon


Elyse’s Limericks

Mad Pam

There was an old lady called Pam

And her favourite food was ham

She killed a pig

And ate a fig

And fell in love with a lamb


Dead Ned

There was once a boy called Ned

Who never got out of bed

A crow pecked his knee

Which made him flee

And in the morning he was dead.



Can, the silly man

There once was a man called Can,

who hit his head with a frying pan.

so he got a lump,

That he called Mr Bump.

Then went and crashed his red van!



Multi- tasking Bob.

There was a young swimmer called Bob,

He had a very long lob,

At school he was y popular,

He liked to look through binoculars,

But now he is a massive slob.



Jerry, the berry man.

There once was a man called Jerry,

who liked to eat lots of red berries.

So one day he went

To Tesco and spent

His money on all the cherries.



My dog used to be called Spotty

Even if he wasn’t dotty

But one day I said, ‘Wow!’

And he turned into a cow

So now I call him Motty



There once was a dude with blue hair

Who liked his steak extra rare

He ate his fill

Then got a chill

So instead he ate a brown bear



There was a boy called Rooney

Whose favourite actor was George Clooney

He was very dumb

And always drank rum

And that’s why he is a loony

Abi E

There once was a man with a spoon

Who wanted to watch a cartoon

His head went bare

He got a balloon from a fair

And now people think he’s  a loon.





Winter Poem Videos

As a Christmas treat Class AS decided to produce filmed versions of children in the class performing their winter poems against a backdrop that they chose themselves. We used our new greenscreen software that Mr Stanley has been learning how to master. He taught Katie, who is now a greenscreen expert herself.

More poems to come tomorrow, but please enjoythe following:

Will C








Abi P




Abi E

Ancient Greek Non – Chronological Report: Abi P

The Ancient Olympic Games

The Ancient Olympic Games started in ancient Greece in 776BC, the games were held in Olympia. The Olympics started in honour of Zeus, the Greek god of all gods, but also in memory of Pelops, a Greek hero.


It was found that women were NOT allowed to compete in the Olympic Games. However all the games were held outside and women were NOT allowed out of the house unless to collect water, so only men were able to compete and watch the events. On the other hand the sports developed over the years as the chart on page 47 shows.


There were lots of events all held in Olympia such as running, running was the oldest event in the games, also the track was about 192 metres long. In wrestling there were three events, there was up right wrestling, ground wrestling and the third one was called the Pankrawon was very dangerous as any tasting except from biting and eye gouging was permitted. There was also boxing, chariot racing, horse racing and a couple more.


Lots of Ancient Greek pots were made but the designs were mostly involving the Olympic Games. Also while the men were competing in the Olympics their wives of the slaves were busy making pots to show the Olympics.


Nudity became a ruling in the fifteenth Olympiad, in 720BC and it involved both trainers and contestants.


So now you know some facts about the ancient Olympics and how much it is much more different from today where the games took place, when they started, who was involved, what the Olympics was about and how did it start.

Winter Poems: Abi P, Emma & Jack

Winter starts


The start of winter is when all

the snowflakes race down to

the ground. When the trees are covered with

a snowy blankets to hide their naked branches.

But that’s just the start.


I walk out my door leaving the door fire-a-sizzling

where my cat lies warming her soft fluffy head.

By bare foot steps first in the

woolly blanket of snow as it eats my feet and scratches my

fingers as I run sharply inside again to the warmth.

But that’s just the start.


I jump on my sledge in my warm winters clothes when I zoom

down the snowy hills, cold

frosty air brushing past my face into my nose and through my flowing hair.

But that’s just the start.


Then comes the time when the snow melts until one little cold drop that I must keep
in a glass case to remind me of the winters bite but now spring

is here,

so that’s

the end.


A snow poem


I woke up one winter morning and saw a beautiful sight

Snow, gold and pink and violet

From the dawn light


Roses sit in icy cases like wands of glass

With a magical air

So many it was like a small class


Fairies sit upon the wall

Small and dainty like the snow flakes

Unnoticed by all


As the golden sun rises

And the colour fades

I wish I could see that sight that spoke to me again


A Winter Poem


Snowflakes come down like hot air balloons landing

Shivery snow covers the whole street

In the living room light the fire

To warm my icy snowy feet


Naked trees show their branches

Snowballs shoot across the lawn

Building snowmen to stand like statues

Children play and adults yawn


The winter clouds gush out icy wind

Jingling bells make icicles fall

Melting snow runs along my feet

The Christmas tree stands green and tall


Theseus & the Minotaur – The Dance

This term in dance we have been looking at Theseus and the Minotaur. Each week we have created, practised and evaluated a different part of the dance, then today we put it all together and performed it as a whole.

There are six scenes to the dance:
1) King Aegeus choosing the victims for the Minotaur
2) The journey across the sea to Crete
3) Entering the labyrinth
4) Fighting the Minotaur
5) Exiting the labyrinth and leaving Ariadne on Naxos
6) Returning home and the suicide of Aegeus.

The children worked in four groups:
1) Alex M, Oliver, Alex C, Jack, Josh NB, Elias and Cameron
2) Elyse, Katie, Lily, Kirsten, Charlotte, Susie, Abi E and Abi P
3) Will R, Will C, Will W, James, Ben, Harry, Korban and Jake
4) John, Emma, Madeleine, Lucy, Eve, Josh F, Georgina and Emily

All files can be played with Quicktime

Theseus & the Minotaur Group 1
Theseus & the Minotaur Group 2
Theseus & The Minotaur Group 3
Theseus & the Minotaur Group 4