Winter Poems

Over the past fortnight the children have been working on poetry with Miss Jarrett. They decided to write winter poems with an emphasis on using metaphors, similes, alliteration and personification.

The children worked together to generate key phrases and vocabulary before writing their poems with some very pleasing results. The poems can be seen below:


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Luke S

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Michael B

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Tom S

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Josh H

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Max B

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Charlie M

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Jack S

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Max K

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Emily G

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Jack G

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Winter Poems: Abi P, Emma & Jack

Winter starts


The start of winter is when all

the snowflakes race down to

the ground. When the trees are covered with

a snowy blankets to hide their naked branches.

But that’s just the start.


I walk out my door leaving the door fire-a-sizzling

where my cat lies warming her soft fluffy head.

By bare foot steps first in the

woolly blanket of snow as it eats my feet and scratches my

fingers as I run sharply inside again to the warmth.

But that’s just the start.


I jump on my sledge in my warm winters clothes when I zoom

down the snowy hills, cold

frosty air brushing past my face into my nose and through my flowing hair.

But that’s just the start.


Then comes the time when the snow melts until one little cold drop that I must keep
in a glass case to remind me of the winters bite but now spring

is here,

so that’s

the end.


A snow poem


I woke up one winter morning and saw a beautiful sight

Snow, gold and pink and violet

From the dawn light


Roses sit in icy cases like wands of glass

With a magical air

So many it was like a small class


Fairies sit upon the wall

Small and dainty like the snow flakes

Unnoticed by all


As the golden sun rises

And the colour fades

I wish I could see that sight that spoke to me again


A Winter Poem


Snowflakes come down like hot air balloons landing

Shivery snow covers the whole street

In the living room light the fire

To warm my icy snowy feet


Naked trees show their branches

Snowballs shoot across the lawn

Building snowmen to stand like statues

Children play and adults yawn


The winter clouds gush out icy wind

Jingling bells make icicles fall

Melting snow runs along my feet

The Christmas tree stands green and tall


Winter poem: Katie

Autumn turns to winter

Snow falls coating everything in a white blanket

Night brandishes day

And throws it away


Snow eats my tiny toes

Frosted flakes fall in rows and rows

The howling wind makes my body shake

And freezes the icy lake


Animals go and hide in burrows

Little bugs get eaten by sparrows

The bright sun fades

To form ice like blades


Frosted trees come closer and closer

Like people huddling together

Bring your hats and gloves to keep warm

Get indoors to miss the big storm

Winter Poem: Emily

Winter Poem


Snow has fallen upon the hills

Everyone feels the icy chill.

While badges lay asleep in their burrows,

Mums are weeping in their sorrows.


The snow licks my feet,

It makes my heart skip a beat.

The wind blows in an icy breeze,

It’s a good job we have got thermals to cover our knees.


Everything is smooth and white,

It is such a beautiful sight.

Even the rivers struggle to flow,

Trying to wind their way through the glistening snow.

Winter Poem: Oliver


As if the sun had gone down on daylight,

And hedgehog scurried to their homes,

People forget about fight and flight

To escape natures’ bones


As if a wizard had taken the colour from the land

And the birds are no more

People wait for springtime to be at hand

As it will bring joy galore .


So I wrap up warm in my silver gown

And the badgers hide in their set

As the snow comes falling down

I think of the joy it will get

Winter Poems: Will C & Lily

In Class AS wehave been looking at poetry this week. We looked at personification, similes and rhyme, and tried  to create our own poems about winter with these aspects. Here’s Will C’s and Lily’s

Winter time


Winter gives the trees frost bite

It makes the hedgehogs curl up in their spikes   

All the colour drains away

And the snowy winter is here to stay


All the trees very bare

Children dreaming without a care

As night passes by

All the foxes are sleeping, no lies


The animals hide from the snow

By sleeping underground head to toe

Above the ground there’s no clatter

Only robins starting to chatter     


Winter time.

Snow falls down, very thick,

Covering the ground with a white blanket.

Trees huddled together

Protecting themselves from the freezing cold weather.


Snow flakes chase each other

Landing on a white snowy cover.

Children on sledges, calling as they go,

Running like the wind down a hill of snow.


Walk down the icy street, where no cars drove,

Leave the fire sizzling though.

Hearing a small robin sing,

But with no audience listening.

Caitlin’s Performance Poem

Caitlin’s performance poem concerns a raccoon:

Guts of a terrorist, he sneaks into the silent street,

A shadow in the night.

The devil himself, he stalks upon an innocent mouse,

and pounces with ferocity.

Feasting on his freshly caught prey,

he rips the flesh with razor-sharp teeth.

The Raccoon

Thoughts of a villain, he walks along the pavement,

a snarl painted across his face.

Like a squirrel, he scurries up an unforgiving tree,

claws digging in and clinging like velcro.

As cunning as a pirate, he spears a pigeon,

and licks the blood that dribbles from its back.

The Raccoon

Mind like a ticking clock, his laser eyes scan the leaves,

and he jumps from his perch and hits the ground.

Brains of a pure genius, he memorises his way back home,

and walks back to his den.

The Raccoon

More Performance Poems

Here’s Jessica and Anna’s poem:


I saw you one day when walking in the woods

you darted away

as fast as you could


amber as runny honey shimmering in the sun

your eyes were fixed on me

as if dwindling fires were burning within

as bright as can be


I saw you one day

when walking in the woods

you darted away

as fast as you could


when you darted away

your thundering paws struck the ground

as you pounded past snow caked evergreens

barely making a sound


I saw you one day

when walking in the woods

you darted away

as fast as could

Wolf …

I saw your ears prick up

twitching to and fro


for a sign to duck low


I saw you one day

when walking in the woods

you darted away

as fast as you could


your howls cut through the midnight silence

as I lay in bed

I closed my eyes as your song came to an end

after that they echoed in my head


I saw you one day

when walking in the wood

you darted away




as fast as you could

Performance Poems

In the latter part of this week, we have been creating our own performance poems using metaphorical language. The children have come up with some fabulous ideas. Here is Frankie’s:

Set Free

I scuttle along the street like a lonely soul

While my feet ‘flip flop’ on the cobbled pavement.

I spy a figure ahead, my eyes concentrate threateningly like a terrorist

At any moment I could pounce upon him.

He comes closer, bending down onto his knees

His eyes loll around like a pair of lifeless legs, trawling up an ice cold mountain.

My mouth suddenly pierces, it is a razor ready to kill

I open it carefully then get ready to bite the flesh of off his rough arm.

Thoughts of a criminal ponder in my mind

So many possibilities but only one chance.

I am a rat.